PreK Ready

Weekly posts of advice, activities, tips, and more to help parents and caregivers prepare young children for preschool

It’s Time to Have Some Summer Fun!

It’s Time to Have Some Summer Fun!

Summer is almost upon us. The school year is winding down. The temperature is warming up. Vacation plans are being made. Kids’ schedules are opening up. So, what can parents do to keep our children active, contained, and happy? I’ve created a list of family-friendly places that can help parents fill in those days surrounding vacation. Or, as I like to call them,

I try to take the kids on “field trips” that last most or all of the day several times throughout the summer. It gives them something to look forward to all week, and it gives us places to go outside of the handful of fun things in our area.

A favorite trip for all of us is the zoo. Many larger cities have them, and it’s a fun yet educational experience. I let the kiddos choose one animal each that we make sure we get to. We usually pack a picnic lunch so we don’t have to worry about our location when everyone gets hungry. We talk about the animals and their habitats, often trying to find animals hiding from the noisy crowd.

Another location the kids love to visit is the children’s museum. We’re lucky to have two in Oklahoma. Hands-on children’s museums are some of the best places for young children to learn through play. They can pretend to go grocery shopping, fly a rocket, or heal their friends’ injuries. Some museums have crafting or woodworking sections where children can use their imaginations to create whatever they want.

On those sunny days when it’s not overly hot, you can take the kids to a state or national park and find plenty to explore. Walking trails, natural plants and animals, or maybe even a cave are just a few ideas. Let the youngsters run out some energy. Have a picnic. Go for a hike. If allowed, and if your family is interested, you could even do some fishing!

One last all-day idea that tends to cost a little more is to go to an amusement park. Not all amusement parks have rides or activities for smaller children, but some do. There are some that are bigger, such as Disney World, and some that are on a lower scale with fewer rides. Of course, there might not be any educational value to this idea, but kiddos – and parents – deserve a break from learning sometimes, too.

Some days you might not be able to dedicate the whole day to a fun trip. Maybe somebody has a doctor’s appointment, or maybe you have a meeting scheduled that morning. This doesn’t mean that you can’t take your children somewhere fun. Just make it a local field trip.

A go-to for any caregiver is going to a park and letting the kids run around and hopefully play with other kiddos. Take a bike or scooter for them to ride on the sidewalks. Throw a ball or frisbee back and forth. Chase them around or let them chase you! You can push them on a swing or catch them at the bottom of a slide. Playgrounds can be a fun way to interact with your child while enjoying some fresh air.

On those hot days in mid to late summer, children love to cool off. Sometimes icy treats help, but only temporarily. A fun, long-lasting solution is to take them to a nearby swimming pool or splash pad! My kiddos absolutely love going to the splash pad, chasing each other and dumping cups of water over their heads. My nephew practically lives at the local pool all summer long.

A not-as-common place to take the kids is a petting zoo. We have one just outside the city where we live, so if we have an extra couple of hours, we can go there. They get to pet and feed different animals. It even allows kids to hold snakes and sometimes baby goats or kangaroos. Petting zoos are a more hands-on learning experience that even parents can enjoy.

Sometimes it’s just too hot to be outside. Or maybe it’s a rainy or windy day. You don’t have to spend those days cooped up in your home with bored kids. There are many indoor places perfect for children with lots of energy.

If you want an educational adventure, visit a local aquarium. Kiddos can learn about more than just fish and possibly have the chance to feed or pet sea animals. We have three aquariums in Oklahoma, and they each take us two-three hours to get through. The kids love walking under sharks, feeding and petting stingrays, and pointing out the various fish and other water animals.

Another indoor activity that parents can enjoy is to go bowling. Our local alley even has bumpers and ramps to help the littlest ones get their ball down the lane. Competitive children can see who can get the highest score. Set up two lanes, and you can play against your kiddos! We usually make it one or two games before they start getting tired and grumpy.

For older children or those too high energy for structured activities, you can always take them to an indoor trampoline park! They can jump and play until they tire themselves out. Parents can either join in or sit and watch. Even the youngest children can enjoy bouncing and practicing their jumping.

If you’re looking for a quieter activity, check out your local library. Ours has weekly story times all year long. During the summer, they add magic shows, musical shows, and even movies all aimed at children. Before or after those programs, you can pick out some books to take home or find a comfy spot to read in the children’s section! At our local library, they also have a Lego table, a train table, puzzles, and tablets with educational games for kids to use.

Summer break does not mean you have to go on vacation to have fun, and you don’t have to stay home all day every day. I hope some of these ideas work for you, and if you have other popular places, share them in the comments below!

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